Jimmy Fund Core Instruments
Cell SortersLocation: M307 |
The DFCI Jimmy Fund Flow Cytometry Core operates 1 BD FACSAria II high speed cell sorter housed in biosafety cabinet, capable of sorting up to 4 populations simultaneously, as well as into single cell plates. We also house 2 Sony MA900s and a Sony SH800 cell sorter.
JF Symphony S6 UV
JF Aria II |
4 Laser Colinear System
Acquisition |
5 mL FACS Tubes or 15 mL Conical Tubes
Collection |
1.5 mL Eppendorf Tubes, 5 mL FACS Tubes, 15 mL Conical Tubes,
6, 24, 48, 96, or 384 Well Plates |
Cell Analyzers
The Jimmy Fund core maintains and trains users on 3 BD LSRFortessa analyzers, for self run use. For training, please refer to the New Users page.
BD LSR Fortessa |
SONY ID7000 Spectral Analyzer
Instruments |
JF Fortessa A
JF Fortessa B JF Fortessa C |
Mayer 307 ID7000
Specifications |
JF Fortessa A - 10 Parameters
JF Fortessa A Laser Chart JF Fortessa B/C - 17 Parameters JF Fortessa B/C Laser Chart |
5 Laser System
40 Parameter Spectral Analyzer
Acquisition |
5 mL FACS Tubes
96 or 384 Well Plates (Fortessa B/C Only) |